You may have noticed I failed once again at meeting my 3x a week rule. I got some corner time for that..
however the husband did ask me later if I was having too hard of time finding the time to do it or if I was just being lazy. Truth is I just didn't have the time. A little about me: I work a full time career job. Its hard work that I love. I wish I could tell you more about what I do but I can't do to the nature of this blog. I am also working full time on a masters degree and I am a mommy. So its hard to find time to sit down and write. So hubby changes it to once a week. I will try do to more though. I also have daily chores assigned by the husband to complete as well.
I had a rough day the other day and snapped at husband a few times. We also have a rule that when I am upset I have to tell him why, no more "nothing.." I broke that rule as well that day. I also broke my spending rule.
Its so hard to give up complete control. I really had a few days where I was struggling with submissiveness. I was questioning my husband's choices and decisions. I also felt he wasn't following through as well, which was frustrating and leading me to test him. From what I've read this is common in a new domestic discipline relationship.
Last night it came to a head when I knew I had messed up (not on purpose) and he didn't follow through at all. We sat down and had a serious talk. he agreed he messed up. What I love about the husband is that he is really into this. but just like I struggle with being submissive he struggles with his new dominant role. We'll figure it out!
I did get spanked last night. It was more to get us back on track, more maintenance than punishment. I was so out of sorts when he didn't follow through. is that weird? I just couldn't get ahold of how I felt. from what I've read this is also common. It means its working!
The spanking went like this. I'm paraphrasing as I don't remember the exact words..
husband "we need to get back on track. you haven't been following the rules" do you agree?
me: "yes"
me: ow..
(he was hitting hard with his hand. I moved my body away but he pushed me back down)
Husband: starting tomorrow you will be expected to follow all your rules, use polite manners when taking to me and when I ask you to do something, do it. do you understand?
Me "yes"
Husband: Tomorrow we start new and you better be prepared for it. do you understand?
me: yes
smack smack
Husband lays down beside me for a minute, gets back up and grabs the cane. (ugggggg..I HATE the cane)
You will SMACK follow the SMACK rules I SMACK give you SMACK.
He came down on the bed, cuddled me in, told me he loved me.
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